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Stashkevich Nikolay Yurievich

Stashkevich Nikolay Yurievich

Stashkevich Nikolay Yurievich, born 19 February 1988. Graduated from Siberian State Technological University, Faculty of Forestry, with a specialty in «Gardening and Landscape Construction» (2010). Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD) in Ecology (Biology) (2015). PhD thesis: «Rol’ Fitoscenoticheskikh Faktorov v Formirovanii Chernevykh Kedrovnikov v Zapadnom Sayane» (The Role of Phytocoenotic Factors in Forming of Chern Siberian Stone Pine Forests in Western Sayan), Krasnoyarsk, V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, 2015 (in Russian). Forest Program Coordinator for the Altai-Sayan Branch of WWF Russia (since 2015). Author and co-author of 16 papers. Some of them: «Rol’ sinuzialnoi struktury v vozobnovlenii kedrovogo i pikhtovogo podrosta pod pologom gornykh chernevykh kedrovnikov» (The role of sinusial structure in regeneration of the Siberian stone pine and fir undergrowth under canopy of mountain chern Siberian stone pine forests) In «Khvoinye Borealnoi Zony» (Coniferous of the Boreal Zone), 2013 (in Russian with English abstract); «Zoogennyi faktor vozobnovleniya sosny kedrovoy sibirskoy v gorno-taeznykh lesah Vostocnogo Sayana» (Zoogenic Factor of Siberian Pine Restoration in the Mountain Taiga Forests of East Sayan) In «Sibirskiy Ekologicheskiy Zhurnal» (Sib. J. Ecol.), 2014 (in Russian with English abstract); «Oscenka sostoyaniya podrosta Pinus sibirirca Du Tour i Abies sibirica Ledeb. v smeshannykh proizvodnykh lesah chernevogo poyasa Zapadnogo Sayana» (Undergrowth condition assessment of Pinus sibirica Du Tour and Abies sibirica Ledeb. in the mixed second growth forests of the Western Sayan) In «Vestnik KrasGAU» (Bull. Krasnoyarsk State Agr. Univ.), 2013 (in Russian with English abstract).


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