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Ponomarev Eugene Ivanovich

Ponomarev Eugene Ivanovich

Ponomarev Eugene Ivanovich, born 5 February 1973 in the city of Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia. Graduated from Krasnoyarsk State University (KSU) (in 2006 KSU being included to Siberian Federal University), Faculty of Physics, with a specialty in Physics, in the city of Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia (1995). Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD) in Technique and Methods for Controlling Environment, Substances, Materials and Products (2003). PhD thesis: «Operativnaya Otsenka Pozharnoi Opasnosti v Lesu na Osnove Sputnikovykh Dannykh» (Operative Assessment of Fire Danger in Forest Based on Satellite Data), Krasnoyarsk, 2003 (in Russian). Senior Research Scientist for the Laboratory of Forest Monitoring, Department of Forest Ecology and Monitoring, at V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian BranchFederal Research Center Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian BranchAssociate Professor for the Department of Ecology and Nature ManagementSchool of Ecology and GeographySiberian Federal University, in the city of Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai, RussiaAssociate editor for a peer-reviewed scientific journal «Teledetekcija Srodowiska» (Rem. Sens. Environ.), Univ. WarsawPolish Geogr. Soc. Publ., Poland. Scientific interests in wildfires satellite monitoring, remote assessment of the energy characteristics of wildfires, geospatial analysis of post-fire disturbance and forest condition, prognoses of fire hazard, mathematical methods of data and satellite images processing for forests investigations. Author and co-author more than 300 scientific publications, including over 80 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 9 chapters in books, and 6 patents for an invention. 


Papers in eLibrary (Rus. Sci. Cit. Index) – 202

Total Citations – 1383; Hirsh Index – 18

Papers in ORCID – 37

Papers in Scopus – 54

Total Scopus Citations  576; Scopus Hirsh Index  11

Papers in Web of Science Core Collection – 32

Total Web of Science Core Collection Citations – 421

Web of Science Core Collection Hirsh Index – 8

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